The world knows Andrea Di Robilant as the well-versed journalist and evocative author. The AUR community knows him as an integral part of the EWLP faculty. His colleagues and students admire him and his gift for writing, his methodical approach to the craft, and his inspiring teaching. His students over the years remember their time with him fondly. As study abroads venture back across the Atlantic to their home universities, they may come to associate part of their experience at AUR with Professor Di Robilant's book proposal assignment or workshopping of one of their travel pieces about the Amalfi Coast. The resident students on the other hand get to sip a caffé with him when he's not teaching or discuss the best ways to tackle an English Captone. He sets an example for promoting a lively classroom environment wherein writing becomes three-dimensional. We know and respect him for the professor and mentor he is, but his true calling has been in journalism and writing. Visit https://www.andreadirobilant.com/index.html for more information about his prolific career!

In the meantime, join us on November 5th, 2024 at 18.30pm at the Centro Studi Americani located at Via Michelangelo Caetani 32 for an evening with our very own Andrea Di Robilant. We invite you into the heart of Rome, to celebrate his newest book, titled This Earthly Globe: A Venetian Geographer and the Quest to Map the World.
As Professor Di Robilant splits his time in Italy between Rome and Venice, his creative work has always engaged the rich history that is the essence of Venice. We are thrilled to see him speak about his newest venture, as well as reflect on all that he has accomplished in his literary career thus far. This event promises a far more rewarding experience than wasting away in a bar somewhere, pestering the barman to change the channel to one that will update you on the election results in real time.