submit to remus (Spring 2025)
All Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Screenplays, Scholarly Work, Paintings, Drawings, Art, Photography, and Storyboards are open for evaluation. Note that your work doesn't have to come exclusively from an AUR course—if you have creative passions outside of academia, we're interested!
To submit your creative work for the next issue, please refer to the following submission guidelines:
For Written Work:
1. Cover letter (directly in Email body) with:
Your full name (as you wish it to appear in Remus)
Piece title & genre
Brief background about the work (two-three-sentences will suffice)
2. Your piece as a Word doc
For Art & Photography:
1. Cover letter (directly in Email body) with:
Your full name (as you wish it to appear in Remus)
Piece title & genre
Brief background about the work (two-three-sentences will suffice)
2. A photograph of your piece
a high definition (2400 x 3000px or 7 megapixels) JPEG file will eventually be required for publication (let us know if you need help making a high-quality photo of your artwork)
Please note that our editors evaluate all work for publication, and your submission does not guarantee that your work will be published. Remus features the best creative student-pieces, and pages are limited due to printing constraints. If your work is accepted, our staff may also require editorial changes before publishing.
All documents and/or questions about the submission and publication process can be sent to
Remus editors