minor in English writing
Why minor in English Writing?
Because it’s cool and unexpected. In your major, you will acquire knowledge and skills that will make you competent in your field, and comfortable with the challenges and expectations you will encounter in your future professional life.
The Minor in English Writing will add the ability to appreciate the importance and effectiveness of narratives and storytelling in communicating goals, proposing solutions, illuminating spreadsheets, illustrating statistics, explaining discoveries, and creating connections.
This unique sensibility to storytelling and its many facets may put you in the ideal position to write meaningful narratives that will help your organization reach out to a world that does not speak its technical language, and share effectively values and "big picture" goals with insiders.
Or, (who knows?), the life experience accumulated in your day job may turn into a work of fiction that only you could write.
Core classes
(2 classes; 6 credits)
COM 213 Transmedia Storytelling
ENG 305 Literary Editing and Publishing
Core electives
(1 class; 3 credits)
ENG 201 Survey of British Literature II
ENG 204 Survey of American Literature
ENG 208 Fiction: Genre, Technique, and Structure
Minor electives
(2 classes; 6 credits)
ENG 203 Writing Rome
ENG 206 Poetry: Genre, Technique, and Structure
ENG 207 Drama: Genre, Technique, and Structure
ENG 208 Fiction: Genre, Technique, and Structure
ENG 300 Creative Writing
ENG 311 The Art and Craft of Writing: Expository Writing
ENG 313 Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENG 315 Advanced Concepts in Fiction Writing and Criticism
ENG 317 Writing Fiction for Children and Young Adults
ENG 321 A Moveable Feast: Writing about Food
ENG 322 Travel Writing
ENG 327 The Art of the Review: Movies, Books, and the Arts
COM 212 Concept Development/Storytelling
COM 318 Principles and Practice of Journalism
COM 323 Sportswriting
COM 403 Magazine Journalism Practicum
ENFD 310 Adapting Literature to the Screen
FDM 214 Fundamentals of Screen Writing
FDM 302 Advanced Screenwriting: Screen Story Development